Home » Campus Visit » Law N Order with Daniel Muleady (Rating Juniata’s 259 Lawns) | Student Vlog | Juniata College


Law N Order with Daniel Muleady (Rating Juniata’s 259 Lawns) | Student Vlog | Juniata College

Meet our 4th and final vlogger, Daniel Muleady ’22! In his first vlog, Daniel takes you on a critical yet emotional dive into some of Juniata’s most revered lawns and grass patches. Lawns, the groundwork of suburbia, are often taken for granted. Today, we learn what makes and breaks our fertilized friends. When Daniel approached the vlogger crew with his idea for his first vlog, we expected humor. But what we didn’t realize is that there’s a reason he’s attached to the lawns at Juniata. Are you curious too? Watch through to the end to find out why he decided to rate all 259 lawns at Juniata.