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Huntingdon Part 2 | Episode 6 | Summer Special w/ Brohan

Let’s ‘settle’ the rivalry between OIP and All American, find out about some well-kept secrets in Huntingdon, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll find out about the oldest barbershop in all of Pennsylvania. (ahaha wait what). Also, stay tuned 😉 brohan cooking up some specials for the non-summer special show – coming soon! (yes I referred to myself in third person)

Huntingdon Part 1 | Episode 5 | Summer Special w/ Brohan

Take a tour of the metropolis of Huntingdon and explore some best-kept secrets, downtown restaurants, and learn more about the history of this beautiful place.

Exploring (temporarily) abandoned buildings at Juniata | Episode 4 | Summer Special w/ Brohan

Take a look inside temporarily abandoned buildings at Juniata, throwback to the last semester, and meet my friend Nikunj! – Rohan

What I wish I knew – Alisha Boerstler, Assistant Dean of Admission

Alisha Boerstler, Assistant Dean of Admission

I didn’t believe this 10 years ago, but there is, in fact, zero chance that you will wreck your life by choosing the “wrong” college. Or the “wrong” major. The wrong roommate? That might be more serious. I had one who slept during the day and worked on her assignments, lights on, from 1:00 – 5:00am. But that’s another story.

I was a giant ball of stress my senior year of high school, largely because I felt so much pressure to choose the perfect college so I could get the perfect degree so I could land the perfect job…etc. There are thousands of colleges in the US, as you have probably discovered, which can be overwhelming. Do I want a rock wall? Do I want to go to Vermont? Do I want a D-1 field hockey team? Do I even know how to play field hockey? (No.) I painstakingly narrowed down my search criteria to three things:


Have you ever asked yourself, “What’s my why?”

Vice President for Enrollment and Marketing

What I really mean is, have you ever asked yourself, “What’s my purpose?”

Recently, I was on Forbes.com and saw an article titled Do You Know Your “Why?” 4 Questions To Find Your Purpose. In the article, I was immediately drawn to a tweet posted that stated – a clear sense of purpose enables you to focus your efforts on what matters most, compelling you to take risk and push forward regardless of the odds or obstacles. Why am I sharing this? Because this tweet defines a Juniata College lived experience.

After reading both the tweet and the article, I found myself reflecting back on my past eight months at Juniata College serving as Vice President of Enrollment; my move to Huntingdon, PA to join the Juniata community; and my many interactions with Juniata College students, faculty, staff, and alumni.  Why did I find myself reflecting?  Because I instantly made the connection between the article and Juniata College where students, faculty, staff, alumni, and yours truly land to find purpose… or their WHY.
