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Defending the Arch – Storming the Arch 2019

The Hellbenders gathered in front of Cloister for “the Storming” in a mass of black clothes, and excitedly prepared to tackle our classmates. Our beloved veterans Catnip, Onyx, Simba, Bambi, Chambers, Brady, and Tigress have been training us in tackling, wing lines and pulsating squats, (most importantly) and we have become more than a team already. As a new rugby player, Storming of the Arch feels like the starting point of an exciting season of unknown moments of empowerment. As we chanted our perfect and intense chants before the Storming, I felt the sense of our collective power as a whole. It was a little nerve wracking lining up before the other freshmen stormed, which is ironic because we were the ones on defense.


Mountain Day 2019!

I am a light sleeper, so it’s normal for me to wake up in the middle of the night. This time though, it was not just an oddity of the night…

It was a Monday morning, and I just spent the Sunday before preparing for the week ahead. I went to bed dreading the busy day to come, Monday’s are my most packed day of the week. I sleep next to the window in my apartment. This means I can hear everything outside. When I opened my eyes that morning, I was confused. Instead of morning birds chirping, there were…air horns? And celebration yelling?


Liberal Arts Symposium – The Mountain Day of the Mind

Every academic Juniatian’s favorite school holiday: Liberal Arts Symposium.  LAS is an annual event in the spring where classes are cancelled and students from all disciplines show off their work to the rest of the community.  Students present on research, independent studies, class projects like speeches, stories, and art, and anything else you can dream of.  My favorite presentations tend to be passion projects where students draw inspiration from a particular class and apply it to a subject they’re interested in, or dive in deeper than they could in class.  Presentations last about 10-12 minutes and leave a few minutes for questions and discussion at the end.  You can choose to stay for the entire panel (they typically have a theme!) or you can switch rooms and go see something totally different!


The Infamous HOBO Hike

The HOBO Hike is a rite of passage for all business students at Juniata.  Everyone on campus knows about it, but only a select few have really experienced it.  It’s a mystical and cryptic field trip that you’ll immediately hear fellow Juniatians talking about, but they don’t reveal what exactly it is.  To start, let’s break down what HOBO is; the actual name of the course is Behavioral Analysis of Organizations.  However, it was originally called something like Human Behavior in Organizations.  The professor at the time decided HBO was already taken, so he threw in the “O” to separate it from the TV channel.  And so, the class was dubbed HOBO and it has remained that way ever since.


Tenting Takeover

If you’ve been on campus lately, you’ve definitely noticed the swarm of tents that suddenly appeared on the Quad. No, it wasn’t an evil camping magician that sought vengeance on Juniata students. No, it wasn’t Laughing Bush (our outdoors club) practicing for their next outing. It was actually a Juniata tradition called – yep! you guessed it! – tenting!
