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Juniata Builds Bowls & Fills Tummies

This past weekend, my schedule allowed for me to spend time giving back to the Huntingdon community. Every year Juniata hosts an Empty Bowls event, which is a fundraiser for local foodbanks including The Salvation Army, Huntingdon Food Pantry, Mt. Union Food Pantry, and the Southern Huntingdon foodbank. There are also going to be donations to the backpack programs for two elementary schools in Huntingdon.  


Another Amazing Homecoming and Family Weekend!

As students have finally begun to settle into the workload and pace of the school year, Homecoming Weekend is finally here to give us a much needed jolt of energy and school spirit. The chance to see alumni and families, have special events on campus, and go to energetic sports games simply can’t be passed up! Every year has me counting down the days until this weekend. There are so many appealing aspects of having a homecoming weekend on a small yet exciting campus such as Juniata!


Finding Fun through Lobster Fest

Contrary to popular belief, this is more than a time for students to stuff their faces with shellfish. Lobster Fest is a long held tradition at Juniata, and it’s a great opportunity for new and returning students to see how they can get involved with different sports and activities on campus. My expectations were low as a freshman going into Lobster Fest, but little did I know that the quad would transform into a garden of activities and excitement.


Experiencing Inbound Firsthand

Juniata is known for its amazing traditions. From Madrigal to Mountain Day, there are many fun events that are planned for the students all throughout the year. One of the favorite activities that Juniata has is that of Inbound.

Inbound is designed for the incoming freshmen, transfer, and international students. It is a retreat program that helps the new students get to know each other and their new environment a few days before classes start. There are many different retreats that students can choose to join, all involving different themes. From theatre and mountain biking, to community service and dance, there is something for everyone.


Defending the Arch – Storming the Arch 2019

The Hellbenders gathered in front of Cloister for “the Storming” in a mass of black clothes, and excitedly prepared to tackle our classmates. Our beloved veterans Catnip, Onyx, Simba, Bambi, Chambers, Brady, and Tigress have been training us in tackling, wing lines and pulsating squats, (most importantly) and we have become more than a team already. As a new rugby player, Storming of the Arch feels like the starting point of an exciting season of unknown moments of empowerment. As we chanted our perfect and intense chants before the Storming, I felt the sense of our collective power as a whole. It was a little nerve wracking lining up before the other freshmen stormed, which is ironic because we were the ones on defense.
