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The Life of a “Mocker”

As a transfer student from New Jersey, I had no idea what life at Juniata would be like. I knew that there were a plethora of opportunities and a close-knit community, however, it was hard to truly understand the scope of everything until I came here. I knew that there were a dozen clubs that I wanted to join, but choosing which clubs to actually join was difficult. Then, one random day, my friend told me that I should go to a Mock Trial meeting with her.

“Hm…Mock Trial?” I thought, “Is that something I will even like?”


Juniata Builds Bowls & Fills Tummies

This past weekend, my schedule allowed for me to spend time giving back to the Huntingdon community. Every year Juniata hosts an Empty Bowls event, which is a fundraiser for local foodbanks including The Salvation Army, Huntingdon Food Pantry, Mt. Union Food Pantry, and the Southern Huntingdon foodbank. There are also going to be donations to the backpack programs for two elementary schools in Huntingdon.  


Finding Fun through Lobster Fest

Contrary to popular belief, this is more than a time for students to stuff their faces with shellfish. Lobster Fest is a long held tradition at Juniata, and it’s a great opportunity for new and returning students to see how they can get involved with different sports and activities on campus. My expectations were low as a freshman going into Lobster Fest, but little did I know that the quad would transform into a garden of activities and excitement.


Defending the Arch – Storming the Arch 2019

The Hellbenders gathered in front of Cloister for “the Storming” in a mass of black clothes, and excitedly prepared to tackle our classmates. Our beloved veterans Catnip, Onyx, Simba, Bambi, Chambers, Brady, and Tigress have been training us in tackling, wing lines and pulsating squats, (most importantly) and we have become more than a team already. As a new rugby player, Storming of the Arch feels like the starting point of an exciting season of unknown moments of empowerment. As we chanted our perfect and intense chants before the Storming, I felt the sense of our collective power as a whole. It was a little nerve wracking lining up before the other freshmen stormed, which is ironic because we were the ones on defense.


Third time’s the charm

It is now my senior year at Juniata, and for the third time, I traveled to Quebec during fall break (October 11th to the 14th). Unlike previous years, this trip was something that I especially looking forward to for several reasons:

Fall break this year came about 2 days after the Fulbright program’s deadline. The application process was very challenging, and by far, it has been the most difficult application that I have written. I applied for a linguistics research Fulbright in Cote d’Ivoire, a project that stemmed from my internship in Strasbourg, France in the Spring of 2018. I worked diligently with a cadre of faculty members who pushed me to craft a competitive and compelling research project. The process got overwhelming and intense at times, so after the Oct. 9th deadline, I was excited to travel to Quebec and celebrate, alongside another Fulbright applicant and a friend of mine, Annaleigh Baremore.

Annaleigh and I are French club officers and worked together to plan this trip, despite meeting many obstacles. First, the Quebec trip did not occur during the previous year when Annaleigh and I were abroad. Professor Henderson who is head of the French department and also the club’s advisor was away on sabbatical. As seniors, Annaleigh and I wanted to bring this trip back, and travel to Quebec one last time. Another issue that we encountered was the high cost of transport, which almost canceled the trip. However, at the very last minute, the Office of Student of Activities gave us a minivan and two vehicles to go to Canada!

Posing for a group photo!
Posing for a group photo!

This 3rd trip to Canada was in my opinion the best because we had a diverse cadre of students. The trips were previously dominated by French speakers, but this time we had students who spoke Spanish, Korean, German and Hindi. I was happy to see them participating and learning about francophone cultures. They all tried poutine, maple syrups, all specialty of Canada. In addition, because we all shared various backgrounds, we tried other cultural foods: we went to a Korean restaurant in Montreal called Kantapia and drank some bubble tea at Chai. Once in Quebec City, we had dinner at a Cambodian restaurant and tried a delicious tapioca desert!

Although the experience was tiring, given that we had a 12hours ride back to campus, I would do it once again if could. As it is my last year at Juniata, I will be looking at various memories such as this trip to smile back on.