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Huntingdon Part 1 | Episode 5 | Summer Special w/ Brohan

Take a tour of the metropolis of Huntingdon and explore some best-kept secrets, downtown restaurants, and learn more about the history of this beautiful place.

Recreating a day + Juniata traditions + The cliffs | Episode 2 | Summer Special w/ Brohan

Kat Swantak, Assistant Dean of Admission

Check out episode 2 of Rohan’s Vlog! This week, Rohan Bandekar shares what a typical day at Juniata looks like, talks about his favorite traditions, and visits the cliffs for some cool drone footage.

Dear Alfie – Answering all your Juniata questions – Round 2!

Caroline Benfer ’21

Hi Future Eagles!

Welcome to the Dear Alfie blog! For those not familiar, Dear Alfie is an opportunity for prospective students to ask a current Juniata student questions about life here. Consider it a way to get Juniata info straight from the source.

My name is Caroline, I’m a rising senior at Juniata and my POE is environmental science. I have several jobs in the admissions offices, and I love just about any outdoor activities with hiking, camping, kayaking and cycling being my favorites. I’m also an avid gardener, music enthusiast and novice baker. Due to quarantine, I’ve recently discovered my wine making abilities and I have acquired two fluffy friends, khaki campbell ducklings Flora and Fauna. 


Reflecting on changes from COVID-19

-Juliana Shugar ’23, Spanish and Secondary Education POE, Disney-loving ice cream connoisseur

The day we got the email I was incredibly upset. I wouldn’t be returning to the new place I called home. I wouldn’t be able to go to my classes. I wouldn’t be able see my friends. This pandemic has impact all of us, and the biggest way that it has changed my life has been in regards to how it has affected school.

Juniata, along with pretty much every other college in the country, has shut down its campus and moved to online learning. Not being able to physically be in a classroom has not been easy. I find myself getting far more distracted during class at home, but perhaps the hardest part has been not being able to see my friends. I have met so many wonderful people at Juniata who I have become so close to, and it was definitely an adjustment to get used to not seeing them every day. Thankfully, we live in the age of Snapchat and Facebook and my friends are never more than a text or Zoom call away.


Undergraduate Research at Juniata

-Maggie Peck ’21, Biology POE, Pre-Dentistry

At Juniata, there are many opportunities to conduct research. Almost every department has opportunities for students to explore their passions. I have been doing research at Juniata since the summer after my freshman year. I was eager to learn more about biology in an in-depth manor, so I applied to work in Dr. Jason Chan’s lab. I have since been working on an in-depth study related to the extension of health in our aging population and the prevention of age-related disease.
